Has Aqua-Rex Water Softeners been third-party tested?
Aqua-Rex is the device with the first US independent third-party performance verification. When tested by IAPMO R&T Labs it showed it could reduce scaling by 83% in Las Vegas water heated to 180°F for 23 hours.
Where do I install the Water Softener?
Aqua-Rex is simple to install. Just wrap the wires around the inlet pipe to the water heater. Second choice would be on the softener loop or third choice anywhere else on the cold-water supply.
Remember the signal goes in both directions, upstream and downstream so you don’t need to pass the water through the wires to have it treated. Just plug the transformer into an outlet – that is all you have to do. No set up or calibrating and it needs no servicing, supplies or maintenance, it is Plug and Play. It cost around $20 a year in electricity.
There are no pipes to cut or plumbing to play with so it’s perfect if you are a renter. Just remember to take it with you when you move homes.
Does it treat all the water in the home?
Aqua-Rex treats all the water in the home, all the time. It sends a signal into the water heater even when no water is flowing, and it also sends a signal back into the cold supply in the rest of the home so mixing valves, showerheads and kitchen faucets won’t get scaled up either. It is OK to treat the water to the kitchen faucet because it doesn’t add unhealthy sodium to the water, instead it retains the healthy calcium.
How does it compare with a water softener?
Aqua-Rex doesn’t use any salt or chemicals and it doesn’t produce any environmentally unfriendly discharges. It needs no maintenance or servicing and it costs hardly anything to run. It doesn’t add any unpleasant taste to the water or risk any additional corrosion to your plumbing system. It’s a lot less expensive to buy, install, and maintain.
Is it as good as a water softener?
Aqua-Rex reduces scaling like a softener, but it also gets rid of the old scale in the home which a softener won’t do. It softens hot water, so you use less soap and detergents, but you don’t get that slippery feel to the water from the sodium dumped in by a softener. It can deliver about the same benefits as a conventional water softener, and there’s no salt to haul!
Will it work on any pipe material?
You can wrap the Aqua-Rex wires on any type of pipe material: plastic or metal, even the flexible copper inlet pipe to the water heater.
What does Aqua-Rex do to the swimming pool?
Aqua-Rex is great for clearing the calcium scale from tiles and water features. It reduces scaling in the saltwater chlorine generator and makes the biocide work more efficiently. It reduces phosphates thus making the pool clearer. The WK1P is fully waterproof and should be installed on the circulating line after the pump
Does Aqua-Rex work on the dishwasher?
The answer is no. The pump in the dishwasher reduces the effectiveness of Aqua-Rex so you need to use a good hard water detergent and most importantly a hard water rinse aid, such as Lemi Shine ®, which is available from most stores. If you follow these instructions you should be happy with the results from the dishwasher. Laundry washing machines work better with Aqua-Rex
Can Aqua-Rex treat anything bigger than a home?
Aqua-Rex units are available for all pipe sizes and are installed on hotels, condos, industrial plants and cooling towers. They are used in schools, colleges and military bases, everywhere that hard water is a problem.
Aqua-Rex Conditioners Replace Water Softeners
What Is Aqua-Rex and How Does it Work?
First of all, it’s NOT a magnet nor an electro-magnet. It’s actually a radio transmitter that puts ultra-high frequency radio waves in the water that travel in the water in both directions – upstream and downstream. The radio waves change the structure of the iron (Fe) molecules to form nucleation seeds so the scale sticks to them instead of the surfaces where it would normally go. The scale forms as a non-adhesive powder in suspension instead of encrusting surfaces.
The radio waves also create a resonance that breaks up existing scale. As a result, a plumbing system can be completely cleaned of old scale over a few weeks. The nucleation process also reduces dissolved calcium in the hot water which makes it softer than it would be otherwise. This softer water does not have a slippery feel as typically happens when salt is used from a conventional softener.
All Aqua-Rex units have aerial wires that are wrapped around existing pipework. They are quick and simple to install, requiring no plumbing, no shut down, and no other disruptions. For further information download the Specifier Guide from our website Aqua-Rex.com
Remember Aqua-Rex comes with a no quibble, no condition, 100-day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose but your limescale!
The Cosmopolitan Hotel was constructed without any water softeners except in the kitchens for the dishwashers. After some earlier trials, Aqua-Rex units were installed on the plate and frame heat exchangers supplying hot water to both towers and the low rise. Subsequently, additional units were installed on the recirculation loops in the towers. Shortly afterwards, it was found that scale could be brushed away from the work tops around the faucets leaving them completely scale free. The total installed cost of all the units was less than $100,000. No issues caused by scaling have occurred in the property on the areas treated by Aqua-Rex since they were installed. This contrasts with similar properties using water softeners nearby where water scale issues have been a constant problem.
Treasure Island Uncovers Value in Aqua-Rex
Aqua-Rex conducted a trial in the tower at Treasure Island Resort/Hotel in Las Vegas, NV by installing a unit on the cold-water services to its upper floors. The shower head in Room 32020 at the time the Aqua-Rex WK5 unit was installed was very heavily scaled on the chrome ring and the center section (Dec. 30th photo). Only a vigorous acid wash would remove this scale normally.
One month later, the chrome ring was removed and merely wiped with a soft cloth. The residual scale came off with the cloth leaving the ring virtually scale-free.
The complete shower head is shown looking like new (Mar. 29th photo) after a short three months of treatment with Aqua-Rex. The savings in chemicals and cleaning time by using Aqua-Rex are considerable, plus the guest experience is enhanced significantly.
Texas Jail Breaks Scale with Aqua-Rex
Dealing with scale from hard water in Detention Centers is much more of a problem than elsewhere because you can’t use the normal methods to clean scale away using acid cleaners. Acids in the wrong hands can cause harm and injuries. The Federal Detention Center in downtown Houston, Texas had long ago by-passed their softeners but were looking for a efficient solution to deal with hard water in their laundry.
An Aqua-Rex WK3 swimming pool water softener solved that problem when installed on the Detention Center’s twin PVI water heaters. And to their surprise and delight, Aqua-Rex did a lot more, as well. They found in the cell blocks that the shower operating handles and stainless-steel protectors could be wiped clean of scale using a soft cloth – there was no need for an acid de-scaler which had been the only alternative. The shower cubicles were heavily used but now they look shiny clean rather than having a dull, dirty look caused by the scale before.
A typical butterfly valve from this luxury hotel hot water supply was so badly scaled it couldn’t be operated. For a trial evaluation, it was re-installed on a cold-water line fitted with Aqua-Rex. After eleven weeks the scale had broken away from inside the valve and fallen out. The scale broke down into fine particles and was carried away in the flow without causing any downstream damage. This 2,500 room hotel tower was then fitted with Aqua-Rex throughout.
3 years later, a similar valve from the hot water supply system was removed and found to be completely scale free.
Reunion Trails Park Splash Pad
Aqua-Rex on Swimming Pools
Reunion Trails Park in Henderson, NV, features the largest splash pad in the state. It was, however, encountering heavy scale on all of its many wetted surfaces. It required regular chemical cleaning to remove encrusted scale from the supply pipes and features.
To resolve the condition, an Aqua-Rex WK3 commercial unit was fitted on the supply line to the Splash Pad. Just 48 hours after installation, scale on the flower features at the water park could be wiped away with minimal effort and no chemicals. Even the concrete outer wall of their lazy river ride could be cleaned with a pressure washer less than a year later.
This swimming pool in Las Vegas NV suffered badly from scale along the water line and down the spillway. Phosphates were always high, affecting the water clarity, and the TDS (total dissolved solids) level was off the chart on the measuring instrument.
An Aqua-Rex WK1P (pool unit) was fitted to the pool filter and no other changes were made to the regular weekly pool service. A short two months later, most of the scale had fallen off the tile walls and could be vacuumed up from the bottom of the pool. The remaining scale on the tiles could be wiped away. A second photo of the pool taken seven months later shows the tile walls still clear. In addition, the pool water is much clearer showing a substantial reduction in phosphates.
Independent Research/ Testing Lab Verifies Aqua-Rex Water Softeners Effectiveness
Aqua-Rex is the only physical water conditioner to be independently tested and receive verification by IAPMO R & T Labs using the IAPMO protocol IGC 335-2018 Rapid Scaling Test. The results showed that the Aqua-Rex WK1-E could reduce scaling by 83% in Las Vegas water heated to 180ºF for 23 hours.
Third-Party Performance Verification by:
Aqua-Rex Proven to Soften Water
Water containing dissolved calcium is defined as hard water. Aqua-Rex stimulates precipitation of the calcium into suspended particles, so the water is now softer, although containing the same amount of total calcium. This is easily seen by the improvement in soap lather after Aqua-Rex is installed. Importantly, the soft water contains no added sodium so it does not suffer from the slippery feel of conventionally softened water that many people dislike and also can be dangerous in the tub or shower.
Independent tests carried out on an Aqua-Rex installation by TFW Associates, Forensic Engineering Consultants to the Legal Profession, show that at the end of the trial period, the residual calcium concentration was reduced by approximately 50% compared with the initial pre-installation value.
Aqua-Rex Water Softeners Works Out at The Gym
Premier Fitness in Newport Beach, CA, is a highly utilized fitness club and suffers from heavy scaling in its changing rooms due to the hard water in the locality. Not only is the scale unsightly, it also harbors bacteria and dirt. To solve the problem, an Aqua-Rex WK1 Swimming Pool Soft water unit was installed on the flexible cold-water connection to the tank water heater as a trial.
The showerhead in the “Before” picture of this story is from a cubicle inside the women’s changing room on the first day that the Aqua-Rex WK1 unit was installed. The scale on the showerhead was hard and encrusted and could not be removed by wiping or rubbing
The “After” photo beside it is the very same showerhead just over one month later! The original scale had become soft and was easily wiped away by hand leaving the showerhead clean and attractive. The Aqua-Rex unit had softened the scale and reduced its adhesion to the shower surface. It has also stopped new scale from forming.
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Why Aqua-Rex
Water Softeners?
Best Water Softeners Money Back Guaranteed
Aqua-Rex Water Softeners is an innovative Electronic Physical Water Conditioner. Been Trusted since 1993 for its effective treatment of hard water in Las Vegas, Nationwide & Internationally.
Our Water Softener units are perfect for your home, rental properties, vacation homes & offices, its popularity is evident with hundreds of thousands of water softening units operating successfully around the world.
Aqua-Rex is a sophisticated electronic water softening device which is engineered to not only soften water but also to prevent water scaling and to significantly prolong the lifespan and efficiency of your homes water heater and home plumbing systems.
Incredibly, Aqua-Rex softens hard water by taking calcium out of the solution and suspending it as a fine particulate in the water. It does this without recourse to salt or other harmful chemicals, positioning it as an eco-friendly choice for those who wish to protect the environment.
Designed for user friendly convenience, Aqua-Rex is quick & easy to install.
NO TOOLS NEEDED, and once it’s installed, it requires NO MAINTENANCE AT ALL!
Setting it further apart from the water softener competition, Aqua-Rex is the only device of its kind with US Independent Third-Party performance verification of its water scale resistant properties and also the only water softener acknowledged by the Water Quality Association to actually soften water.
So yes, our Water Softeners not only work, but they are also the Best Water Softener you can buy. With our 20 Year Guarantee and 100% Money Back if it doesn’t say what everyone is saying about Aqua-Rex Water Softener Units.
Aqua-Rex Water Softener Systems for Las Vegas. Easy & Simple to install. Just wrap the wires around the water inlet pipe to the water heater.
Next choice would be on the softener loop or third choice anywhere else on the cold-water supply.
Remember the signal goes in both directions, upstream and downstream so you don’t need to pass the water through the wires to have it treated. Just plug the transformer into an outlet – that is all you have to do.
No set up or calibrating and it needs no servicing, supplies or maintenance, it is Plug and Play. It cost around $20 a year in electricity. There are no pipes to cut or plumbing to play with so it’s perfect if you are a Renter. Just remember to take it with you when you move home.
Aqua-Rex Water Softeners have a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Our innovative Electronic Water Softeners have a 20 Year Warrantee too. Our Water Softener Systems are built to last and provides Gallons of Soft water for your Home, Rental Properties & your Swimming Pool and Spas.
More of What our Water Softeners can do
Our Water Softeners will save you time cleaning your Bathroom and…
Stop Water Scale
It stops water scale from sticking to surfaces so water heaters don’t scale up and shower heads stay clean. Less cleaning your bathroom
Cleans Plumbing
It breaks down and cleans out the existing water scale in plumbing systems. Helping your home plumbing water system.
Softens Hard Water
It softens the hot water so soaps lather better when washing your hair and laundry. Feel the difference with our Home Soft Water Systems.
Salt Free
Aqua-Rex requires no salt, saving you money and reducing sodium intake in drinking water and chloride contamination in waste water.
Simple To Install
Just wrap the wires around the inlet to the water heater or on the softener loop and plug the transformer into an outlet. That’s all there is to it.
20-Year Warranty
We guarantee repair or replacement of the Aqua-Rex water softener system in case of manufacturing defect during twenty years after purchase.
RENTERS! Easy to Move and Install Again
Renters Rejoice as you can now have a water softener that you can install yourself and then take with you when you move.” “The softener that goes in a suitcase!
Maintenance Free
Aqua-Rex water softeners needs absolutely no maintenance at all. Just fit it and you can forget it.
Performance Verification
Aqua-Rex is the only soft water system with independent third-party verification by IAPMO R&T Labs which showed a reduction of scale of 83% in Las Vegas water heated to 180 degrees F for 23 hours.
Water Softeners for your Home
Aqua-Rex is THE water softener alternative for homes and businesses. Looking for softer hair and skin? We have water softener units that are easy to install.
We have the perfect water softener for your water heater. Gas – Electric or Well Water.
We know it works and so does the water softener industry as it is the only electronic water softener with independent third-party performance verification from IAPMO R&T Labs, the Plumbing Certification organization based in Ontario CA. 100% Money Back Guarantee you have nothing to lose.