Water Softeners Electric Water Heaters
We off the Best Water Softener Units for your home. 100% Money Back Guarantee to help soften your hair and skin. Lab tested. Local Las Vegas customers can buy and pick up at our office. We offer great customer service and are more than happy to help you with the correct water softener for your home.
Easy to move. Renters Rejoice you now have a water softener that you can install yourself and then take it to your new home.
A Water Softener that goes in a Suitcase!
Water Softeners for Electric Water Heaters or Well Water
- Used for Electric Water Heaters and those on Well Water supply.
- 20 minute easy installation. No Tools Needed.
- Removes existing limescale as well as prevents future build-up.
- Lowers your Electric Bills.
- No salt. No chemicals. No changing cartridges. Install it and forget it.
- Fits any pipe material up to 1 1/4″ diameter.
- Item weight – 1.6 pounds.
- Package dimensions – 10” x 8” x 3”
- Soft Water Model number – WK1-E
We off the Best Water Softener Units for your home. 100% Money Back Guarantee to help soften your hair and skin. Lab tested. Local Las Vegas customers can buy online and or pick up at our office. We offer great customer service and are more than happy to help you with the correct water softener for your home.
Easy to move. Renters Rejoice you now have a water softener that you can install yourself and then take it to your new home.
A Water Softener that goes in a Suitcase!
Used for most residential applications on city water with gas water heaters. Contact us with any questions. We talk Water Softeners.
For Electric Water Heaters or for homes on Well Water. Gas or Electric for Well Water. Quick and Easy installation Water Softeners.
Your swimming pool or spa’s Best Friend. It keeps Scale from building up on the pool walls and the salt cells.
Flowban stops tub floods. It shuts off the water to the faucets so bath tub overflows are a thing of the past.
Water Softener FAQ
Are there any harmful side effects to Aqua-Rex?
Is Aqua-Rex treated water better to drink than tap water?
There is no change to the water – it is the same for drinking.
Is Aqua-Rex treated water better to drink than traditionally-softened water?
Much better for you as all the healthy minerals are retained and unhealthy sodium has not been added.
Is Aqua-Rex safe for pets?
Does Aqua-Rex treated water taste any different?
Some people say it tastes better
Does Aqua-Rex treated water have any odor?
There is no effect on odor.
What about the healthy minerals in tap water?
Does Aqua-Rex add any chemicals to the water?
None whatsoever
Softer Hair & Skin
Your hair will be softer. Your shampoo will lather richly, using less of your product. You will feel you are able to rinse all the suds out and not feel your hair weighed down
Is Aqua-Rex good for color treated hair?
Harshness of the dissolved calcium is no longer there.
My wires got damaged
Call us for replacements. They are special wires.
Phone: (702) 304-2170
Can I open Aqua-Rex up to see what’s inside
If you do, you void the warranty
Where has Aqua-Rex been installed
Everywhere! Schools, Correctional Facilities, Businesses, Condominiums, Townhomes, Houses, Factories, Fountains, Salons and Spas, Hotels, Casinos, Pet Grooming Salons, Apartments, Dentist Offices, and more!
How many have been installed
Hundreds of thousands
What happens if my water is shut off
The unit will resume working when the water is back on
What happens if my electricity is shut off
The unit requires electricity to run, so it will resume working when the power is restored
Will Aqua-Rex work on a condo or apartment building
Absolutely! We have units for all size of buildings

Our Water Softeners will save you time cleaning your Bathroom and…
Stop Water Scale
It stops water scale from sticking to surfaces so water heaters don’t scale up and shower heads stay clean. Less cleaning your bathroom
Cleans Plumbing
It breaks down and cleans out the existing water scale in plumbing systems. Helping your home plumbing water system.
Softens Hard Water
It softens the hot water so soaps lather better when washing your hair and laundry. Feel the difference with our Home Soft Water Systems.
Salt Free
Aqua-Rex requires no salt, saving you money and reducing sodium intake in drinking water and chloride contamination in waste water.
Simple To Install
Just wrap the wires around the inlet to the water heater or on the softener loop and plug the transformer into an outlet. That’s all there is to it.
20-Year Warranty
We guarantee repair or replacement of the Aqua-Rex water softener system in case of manufacturing defect during twenty years after purchase.
RENTERS! Easy to Move and Install Again
Renters Rejoice as you can now have a water softener that you can install yourself and then take with you when you move.” “The softener that goes in a suitcase!
Maintenance Free
Aqua-Rex water softeners needs absolutely no maintenance at all. Just fit it and you can forget it.
Performance Verification
Aqua-Rex is the only soft water system with independent third-party verification by IAPMO R&T Labs which showed a reduction of scale of 83% in Las Vegas water heated to 180 degrees F for 23 hours.
Water Softeners for your Home
Aqua-Rex is THE water softener alternative for homes and businesses. Looking for softer hair and skin? We have water softener units that are easy to install.
We have the perfect water softener for your water heater. Gas – Electric or Well Water.
We know it works and so does the water softener industry as it is the only electronic water softener with independent third-party performance verification from IAPMO R&T Labs, the Plumbing Certification organization based in Ontario CA. 100% Money Back Guarantee you have nothing to lose.